Having been asked to speak for ‘nomads camp’ run by Action Academy in Morzine I wanted to try and personalise the companies’ progression and to focus on the journey to the company as it currently stands....
Turning distractions into motivation

Having been asked to speak for ‘nomads camp’ run by Action Academy in Morzine I wanted to try and personalise the companies’ progression and to focus on the journey to the company as it currently stands, I decided to focus the talk on all the distractions that can occur in this process, personal professional, you name it.

It was a hugely immense project and as a result brought up a significant amount of personal achievement and pride.

There are distractions around us everywhere, all the time and often we look at these with a pessimistic approach.

There are distractions around us everywhere, all the time and often we look at these with a pessimistic approach. But surely, not all these distractions can be negative. For many embracing new ideas or those are looking to make the leap from city life to living-working abroad I’m sure that you have an abundance of potential distractions that will niggle away at the mind until something gives in.

I certainly did, from everyday distractions of functioning life and society as we know it, to life changing scenarios. The loss of someone close perhaps, or the arrival of a new family member! Having experienced both and overcoming each with sheer determination to achieve my goals, I learnt a few key things along the way.

1) Setting small but significant goals. Having 3 things over a 3-month period to focus on. Enabled me to be realistic and put my energies into something achievable. Making baby steps was the most effective method for the company growth and development.

2) Ask for advice! Having seen a niche in our area, I could have been mistaken for believing that I had all the answers. Which of course, I did not! Learning every day and improving by asking questions, working alongside similar events companies has helped us to nurture and grow in a professional and appropriate manner, again not moving too fast and enjoying each hiccup along the way; after all it would only be a lesson well learnt.

3) Using Distractions as a motivation. Returning to the concept that distractions can be a positive, finding that spin, that encouragement from distractions to support the idea and build the strategy to something phenomenal. Take living in the mountains… Yes, the team are occasionally distracted by the snowfall and the want to ski themselves, but realistically, this desire and distraction is only fuelling the desire to remain here. To hit targets so that we can continue to enjoy our time here in these surroundings and as a corporate events company specialising in the ski industry this is undoubtedly a positive distraction.

Some numbers
Corporate Peaks is now proudly operating across the alps and are excited to be hosting bespoke summer packages, we currently have 90% return clients and we continue to be passionate about what we do here, thanks to our surroundings and positive motivations! It’s safe to say we have an exciting journey ahead of us because myself and our staff can inspire ourselves in the right way.

Turning Distractions into motivation is something we can all do without even realising, and it is so important to make sure that we give ourselves the credit for doing so. Even taking the plunge to set up shop somewhere like the alps as I have, if you want to spend the afternoon hiking or snowboarding then do so, because it will only make you realise how important it is for you to succeed in your own way, and provide that lifestyle in that area that you desire. Start to look at your distractions and use them as your driving force. A motivated soul is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with.

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