Nestled attentively around a crystal-clear lake, surrounded by both the Jura mountains and the famous Alps, with dramatic views of Mont Blanc; Geneva is a perfect utopia of city-nature living...

Living in Geneva

Nestled attentively around a crystal-clear lake, surrounded by both the Jura mountains and the famous Alps, with dramatic views of Mont Blanc; Geneva is a perfect utopia of city-nature living.

It’s been almost 2 years I have been based here, and right now I can’t imagine living anywhere else.

The Swiss in general are a sporty bunch, and this really has influenced all the expats here, you could say we are shamed into it!

Through meeting these people, I truly discovered what living in Geneva is all about

On just my second day in Geneva I joined a running club, they run along the lake three times a week in all weathers. The club is home to a host of colourful characters of many different nationalities, and headed up by a very special typically strong Swiss German Lady.

Meeting people…
Through meeting these people, I truly discovered what living in Geneva is all about, and although it’s nice to run alongside the lake after a busy day at the office, which is all just a warm up for the weekend. The secret lies within the mountains that surround the City, within an hour you can reach a host of famous resorts. In summer we hike, in winter we ski, and these are just the basics. The mountains are host to a whole range of activities, from snow-shoeing to cross-country skiing, cycling and rock climbing the list is endless.

It was my new found active lifestyle and hunger to get outside, that led myself and our colleagues to the ‘Active Incentives’ concept. The parallels between staying active and productivity within our work place was exponential and continue to be so through winter and summer alike. Having a fast-paced city lifestyle, doesn’t mean I have had to head home in front of the TV or to the nearest bar; It has in fact opened my eyes to one of the greatest natural playgrounds on offer and I am hooked!

Written by Benjamin Newman – Marketing Director

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