Wanting to transform trust and engagement within your teams?
Wanting to transform trust and engagement within your teams?

There are many different ways in which an incentive trip can actively encourage a higher level of organisational citizenship & performance, but aside from the target based corporate travel. Has your business considered leadership / line manager workshops? The workshops can be fine-tuned to focus on key elements that will promote further trust and engagement within your own business family.

Smart leaders today, engage with employees in a way that resembles ordinary person-to-person conversation

And the core focus of these business trips defy the outdated top-down model of business communication. They offer an ability to strengthen communications between team-leaders/ line-managers and employees across the business. In a Harvard Business review article, the authors state “Smart leaders today, engage with employees in a way that resembles ordinary person-to-person conversation more than it does a series of commands from on high.”

Investing in leadership workshops- whether nature tourism focused (as per our previous blog) or a team building trip, often challenge-focused; can help management get back to the basics and rediscover the power of honest conversation. Something we strongly believe in here at Corporate Peaks. We value the importance of seeing people as people and non-hierarchical corporate travel. We have seen first-hand the benefits from leadership conferences when our clients have returned with each of their teams. An increase of trust, appreciation and the development of employees Careers within the team.

Embracing change, both generational and technological can always be a tough one to swallow immediately if you have been in the game for some time. But taking things back to basics, conversing and having fun is one sure way to re-harness and strengthen those leadership skills.

Line management workshops can help you discover your strengths and qualities as a leader, develop your own personal coaching methods, understand your team and how to motivate them effectively and of course, by promoting trust.

If you are looking to learn more or see case studies relevant to this style of business trip. Then Get in touch with our personable team today to discuss all things travel!

0208 0048675

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