Business Leader Magazine recently sat down to speak with Ben Newman, the Marketing Director of Corporate Peaks....
Business Leader Magazine

Business Leader Magazine recently sat down to speak with Ben Newman, the Marketing Director of Corporate Peaks to discuss the growth of the company, how they are changing the image of corporate travel and how it can help your business thrive.

Based in the Alps, Corporate Peaks focus on ski getaways with everything catered for, from the moment you arrive off the plane, to the wave goodbye at the airport. Whether on a tight budget or an extravagant trip of a lifetime – they cater to all of the client’s needs.

Corporate Peaks focus on ski getaways with everything catered for, from the moment you arrive off the plane

Ben is an experienced skier himself and has seen the unique way in which Corporate Peaks has brought together team members for companies of all shapes and sizes…

You can read the rest of the interview on the Business Leader Magazine website.

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