Having seen an increase in incentive trips across the UK over the past 2 years, some may often ask themselves why exactly...
What are the benefits?

Having seen an increase in incentive trips across the UK over the past 2 years, some may often ask themselves why exactly? What are the benefits of these? and why are they becoming increasingly popular once again?

Incentive travel itself is a highly rewarding experience that can affect and often improves performance within a workforce. Particularly when combined with a desired business result. This is traditionally the starting point of incentive travel and a reward such as a weekend luxury skiing break can be used and incorporated into a rewards program, encouraging better performance and healthy competitiveness within the office/nationwide.

Incentive travel itself is a highly rewarding experience that can affect and often improves performance within a workforce.

At Corporate Peaks, no two of our bespoke trips are the same and we saw a huge surge of these incentive rewards programs last winter and after speaking to many different attendees they often outlined three of the strongest benefits to a corporate incentive trip;

1. Focus and Motivation
Providing focus and motivation amongst the workforce- With a reward in place, one will undoubtedly aspire to achieve the targets set and win themselves a place on the trip. In the process of this it can reinvigorate team members and encourage the drive, amounting to higher engagement and an all-round boost in morale. Not to mention increase sales and performance value.

2. Client Relationships
Client/partner relationship building- Incentives can be used to strengthen ties between existing clientele; encouraging loyalty with the client at hand. These trips are often relaxed and gives the client a chance to get to know you and your ideals more informally. Inspiring future progression and partnership.

3. Team Bonding
Team Bonding – These opportunities to travel are an excellent way of uniting the team and some of our strongest/closest clients are those that have been incorporating incentive travel into their business for many years now. Colleagues appear as friends and have an openness and willingness to work with each other. Dependent on the idea of your corporate trip, you could incorporate team-building exercises into the itinerary.

Often the idea of incentive travel can insinuate a substantial price tag; however nowadays this is not the case. Corporate Peaks work towards all different styles of corporate travel, from budget to luxury and pricing can be hugely flexible making this style of business travel more attractive and scalable to all types of businesses.

If you are thinking of implementing a reward scheme to your business, then contact one of our expert corporate events coordinators for a free and friendly consultation or call +44 (0) 20 8004 8675 now to find out more about our unique services.

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